All the stuff I said that I wouldn't drone on about, I will list here without the droning. These are people, places, things, and ideas that I like. We'll cover verbs at the 200th post.
These are in no particular order:
1. Jocelyn - despite the "no particular order" sentiment above, I know who boils the oatmeal around here
2. 1984 by George Orwell (I like the Van Halen album, too, but it isn't going on the list)
3. Nocturnes by Frederic Chopin
4. Views of the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia - even the two looking south from I-64 are good
5. The Child in Time by Ian McEwan
6. Chocolate bars with toffee such as Score or Heath
7. Evil Dead 2 - a campy horror movie from Sam Raimi (he's the guy who brings you the Spider-Man movies)
8. Sweet is the Night - a song by the Electric Light Orchestra from the album Out of the Blue
10. State Quarters
11. Cashews
12. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson
13. Arrested Development - a short-lived comedy on FOX
14. Double Stuf Oreos
15. My kids
16. Winning - a song by Santana from Zebop!
17. Beers from Dogfish Head Brewery
18. Glory (the Edward Zwick movie starring Matthew Broderick and Denzel Washington)
19. Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan (a Vertigo comic, the final issue, #60, to this entertaining story comes out in January)
20. Bertrand Russell - not that I always agree with his opinions, but I find his books enjoyable and thought provoking
21. Used bookstores
22. The Stand by Stephen King (the magnum opus of his early days)
24. A Case of the Stubborns - short story by Robert Bloch, horror-humor perfection
25. Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park - especially the little shuttle bus tour of the ranch; relaxing, informative, poignant; when we there, Lady Bird was home, too (she died this past summer)
26. Rollercoasters - they scare me, but I always feel great after riding them
27. Graceland by Paul Simon, the whole album, never gets old
28. The Lord of the Rings - the trilogy of films, that is, by Peter Jackson...geek alert, it'll get worse as we go down the list
29. Bored of the Rings by the writers of the National Lampoon; classic satire of the original Tolkien will laugh out loud at the journey of Frito, Spam, Moxie and Pepsi
30. The X-Files - we watched it all from the beginning
31. Isaac Asimov was my favorite writer as a kid...I learned a lot of things from reading his fiction and non-fiction
32. Pete Rose - yes, he had (has) serious gambling problems and a not so wonderful personality (though he seems like nothing more than an outspoken confident midwesterner to me) but he represented how you are supposed to play and love the game of baseball; it is a travesty that he will not be in the Hall of Fame until long after he is dead
33. Mt. Rainier National Park - this is one thing that I really miss about living in Seattle: the ability to drive down to the mountain and take a walk in the woods and meadows
34. Convertible roadsters - I had an MGB in Hawaii and Jocelyn had a Triumph TR-6 in Seattle; after kids we gave them up; I'm thinking of getting one back, maybe a Saturn Skye?
35. Thunderstorms
36. Fried chicken, especially Popeye's spicy
37. Prayer of St. Gregory - a short work for trumpet and strings by Alan Hohvaness
38. Chex Mix
39. Beers from Brooklyn Brewery

41. Mark Rothko - see my post on the Rothko Chapel
42. USS Arizona Memorial
43. A Parliament of Whores by P.J. O'Rourke, humorous look at politics in America
44. Lucifer, a Vertigo comic written by Mike Carey; the story of the fallen angel who owns a piano bar in Los Angeles; he would like to be left alone, but he is forced to take on the Heavenly host, among others (3 issue mini-series, a special issue "Nirvana", and a 75 issue run)
45. Styx - my favorite rock band as a kid; saw them last summer, adequate, but I missed Dennis DeYoung
46. Irish Wolfhound - this is the breed of dog I've always wanted to own but we have an English Setter
47. Candles, lit, but not so many that it looks like a chick flick or a slasher movie
48. Agnosticism: I don't care to argue about this, just know that I have the same problem with atheists as I do with theists; there are more important things to argue
49. Flannel sheets in winter
50. Pixar Animation Studios - they haven't missed yet, not even with Cars
51. Bailero by Joseph Canteloube from his Chants d'Auvergne
52. The right tool for the right job
53. Spaghetti with either a butter sauce or mizithra cheese (or both)
54. The Wizard of Oz - book and movie
55. Kennedy Space Center
56. Ambient music, you know, New Age
58. Pears, see POTUS
59. Beers from Rogue Ales
60. Modern Pentathlon, an Olympic sport
61. Lost, and it never has frustrated me, I trust Lindelof and Cuse
62. The Onion, America's Finest News Source
63. The National Gallery of Art, the whole thing, including this
64. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, a family tradition since 1989
65. The Story of US, 10 volumes by Joy Hakim; she is also writing a six volume history of science
66. Lactase tablets, see this for the reason
67. My extended family, including my siblings, parents, and in-laws and their children
68. The kid's recitals
69. The kid's sports competitions
70. Cincinnati Reds - especially the Big Red Machine of the 70s
71. Cincinnati Bengals: given these last two, I am a master at being content with not winning
72. Baseball/Softball - playing, not watching
73. Darts, especially if no one is taking it too seriously
74. The old Montana speed limits: "reasonable and prudent" during the day
75. A. Whitney Brown, a humorist who isn't getting much love these days, but I like him; one of my favorite lines (adapted for the current world): There's six billion people in this world, so if you're a one-in-a-million type person, that means there are six thousand others exactly like you
76. Heated seats
77. Indoor plumbing, that works properly
78. Hot showers, with the right shower head, of course
80. Merit Badges, I'm fascinated with them; and Life Badges will pick up soon
81. Backyard volleyball
82. Soft-serve ice cream (with #66)
83. Babies, infants just make me happy, they cannot behave badly or be spoiled, and they're easy to return to their parents
84. Isn't It Time by The Babys from Broken Heart (the baby thing is coincidental, I swear)
85. Sports commentary that is intelligent and honest: Chris Collinsworth and Jason Whitlock immediately spring to mind; I don't think it's happened with political commentary, maybe Charles Krauthammer
86. Rushmore, the movie and the soundtrack
87. Chips Ahoy! like #14, I like them with a big glass of water (not milk, see #66)
88. All of Star Trek, except for Deep Space 9 and Voyager
89. The first Star Wars trilogy, except for any scene featuring an Ewok
90. The film music of Ennio Morricone, especially The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and Once Upon a Time in the West
91. The Carol Burnett Show, I miss watching that on Saturday nights
92. Dennis Brain, I have nearly everything that he recorded in his short life, he played horn and someone had the common sense to roll tape a few times when he performed
93. Cincinnati-style chili - cheese coneys or a three-way preferred
94. Kauai has always been my favorite island
96. Unabridged dictionary - one of my favorite books
97. Stadium seating at movie theaters - no more hats or big hair getting in the way
98. Roy Steele - my grandfather (and my grandmothers, too,) but Roy had a big influence on my life, he trusted me with responsibilities when I was very young...I didn't let him down while he was alive
99. A comfortable bed with an acceptable pillow
100. Happiness, suggested by Gabe, approved by me
Not exhaustive by any means, but a pretty nice start...we'll look at it again after another hundred posts.
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