The Happiness Notebook continues to evolve. Here are the latest notes on content:
1) no more mixtape solicitations until after the New Year
2) videos will still be posted but they will not be limited to hair metal, the diffidence of your opinions was deafening
3) clearly, one of the things that brings me great joy is reading, therefore I will start sharing what I am reading with you (but I will not link to Amazon or any other bookstore) but I will link to a related website where you can read about the author or the book or both
4) rather than not post, when I am having a mental or emotional down time, I will write about the unhappy feelings because, really, can we have happiness without either sadness or ennui? No, so it is time to talk about those feeling directly
5) whether you like it or not, I will continue to post my attempts at fiction, derivative or not, good or bad (though I promise to stick to my self-imposed PG or PG-13 rating) [there is a Frosty the Snowman story coming soon...]
6) the Secrets to Happiness will continue, but, if you can, I need feedback on these. Plus, if you have your own secrets, let us know, because if they work for you, then they probably will work for many others. Stop keeping such important secrets to yourself.
7) while I am not an investment expert, I plan on toying with some of our money by trying a few different strategies and investment options. I was considering posting about the experience here. This will not be a blog dispensing financial advice, but posts related to money will simply be a narrative of the investing experience. That means that I will undoubtedly do stupid things with my precious dollars. Why should that aspect of my life suddenly change?
8) it looks like in the next year, we will be buying and selling a house (not in that order, necessarily) and I'll be blogging about that experience, too
9) Suzzie (Monica's rat) is not recovering as quickly from the surgery as we had hoped. She seems to have lost the strength in her right arm. However, she doesn't seem to be in any pain and the last few days have seen her eating better. We are trying to make sure that she gets adequate exercise and that she stretches and uses her muscles. We were used to her bouncing back from operations as if nothing happened, but she is about 75 years old now in rat years. This is her third Christmas coming up. I'll provide updates on Suzzie's health as she nears the end of her days.
10) I use Yahoo! Messenger. My ID is jdthorntonii. If you don't want to email or post a comment, you can message me there.
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
More notes on content
Posted by
The Happy Guy
9:38 AM
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I don't know if this is a true secret to happiness, or perhaps you have posted something similar and I missed it?, anyway, I find that community service makes me happy. And I don't mean the volunteering for 4 hours on a Saturday once a year type of community service (I will admit that is a great start for someone not used to helping others). I mean making community service a regular part of your life. I enjoy participating in a variety of events from writing wills for Ohio emergency first responders (for free!), raking an elderly neighbor's yard, collecting toys for local agencies at the holidays to collecting school supplies for a free store for teachers, even serving food at a soup kitchen. One of my absolute favorites is to send care packages to soldiers, this is one that Darren and I can involve our young children in - they love sending fun and healthy snacks as well as DVDs to those serving our country (making cards too). My newest task, it appears, is going to be helping HS seniors apply for college and loans...wish me luck as well as them. FAFSA is not a friendly form...
I don't know if this is a true secret to happiness, or perhaps you have posted something similar and I missed it?, anyway, I find that community service makes me happy. And I don't mean the volunteering for 4 hours on a Saturday once a year type of community service (I will admit that is a great start for someone not used to helping others). I mean making community service a regular part of your life. I enjoy participating in a variety of events from writing wills for Ohio emergency first responders (for free!), raking an elderly neighbor's yard, collecting toys for local agencies at the holidays to collecting school supplies for a free store for teachers, even serving food at a soup kitchen. One of my absolute favorites is to send care packages to soldiers, this is one that Darren and I can involve our young children in - they love sending fun and healthy snacks as well as DVDs to those serving our country (making cards too). My newest task, it appears, is going to be helping HS seniors apply for college and loans...wish me luck as well as them. FAFSA is not a friendly form...
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