Two things (that are new for me) that I've been experimenting with are twitter and tumblr. First, I'll explain what they are, then why I'm even bothering, and why you might like to try them.
Twitter is for microblogging. Messages are text only and are limited to 140 characters. The "tweets" or twitter entries can be made via the site, sending text from a mobile device (like your cell phone) or via instant messenger.
People can sign up to follow you on twitter. When you post, they receive updates automatically. Sounds like a bit of overkill when it comes to keeping up with someone, but I can see how this could be useful when trying to coordinate a group and needing to broadcast information to multiple people (and receiving it from those people, also.)
I'm not worried about followers. I like twitter for it's quick notetaking aspect. I can text myself basically with any sort of feeling or observation. I have no worries about being verbose with a 140 character limit. These little notes help trigger memories without the seriousness of a journal or diary.
I've added twitter to the Happiness Notebook, where I've cleverly called it "a glimpse behind the curtain" and I removed the link to twitter. You can go to twitter and try it for yourself. You really don't want to receive a text message from me that says that "I'm at work on a Sunday."
If you do decide to follow anyone, twitter does provide controls so that you aren't inundated with updates or receive them during inconvenient hours.

It is exceptionally easy to use. I've created an RSS feed called "Happy Notes" right there on the right of this blog. Click on an entry and you'll be taken to my own tlog, which I intend to make a supportive, complementary, yet standalone version of the H-N. My tweets on twitter also end up on Happy Notes as short text entries. I could also automatically add a link to the tlog everytime I post here.
If you've thought about blogging, but aren't interested in doing all that much writing, then tumblr is a great alternative. Give it a shot and send me the link.
Tell me what you think of these sites and let me know of others like it that you use or prefer.
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