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Sunday, May 4, 2008

095 - Try zorbing

A zorb is an inflatable 7+ foot diameter ball with a tunnel to a open core. You climb in to the core, hold on (or not) and ride down a hillside. This is called zorbing or sphering.

It appears this originated in New Zealand (where I think bungee jumping came from, too.) Kiwis seem to be very inventive when it comes to creating new types of recreational activities.

A lot of people would be tempted to add bungee jumping or sky-diving to their list of 101 things in 1,001 days. Not me. I'm not a heights kind of guy. Closest to that for me is rollercoasters.

I don't mind rolling down a hill and tumbling head over heels. In fact, it looks like a blast. Youtube has videos of multiple people in these things. In the summertime, just add water and you'll exit the zorb soaked and cooled off.

The concern though, is where exactly can we go zorbing? I don't want to fly to NZ just to zorb. A quick search revealed that down near the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee zorbing is offered. Perfect. So, when we get back down that way, we'll be zorbing. I'll post video.

Anyone out there tried it? Is it worth doing? Everything I've seen has shown people giggling like mad. Sounds like fun to me.

1 comment:

Digtal Marketing said...

Fantastic write-up, many thanks. I just agreed to your rss feed! mm romance series