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Thursday, October 23, 2008

The FCE files - a request for humans

If a cool celebrity dog like Brian Griffin could become the spokesdog for FCEs, that could help raise awareness, perhaps limiting the stress and pain of the families of an FCE stricken pet.

There is no guarantee of recovery from FCE, but the chances are excellent for at least a partial recovery, and not too bad for a complete recovery. The family's lifestyle might change a bit, but everyone, including the dog, can continue to lead happy lives, especially after those first few harrowing weeks.

I've received a lot of comments and emails about FCE. I'm not an expert by any means. I, like so many of you, was a dog owner who had no idea something like this could happen. My family suffered the same anxieties and muddled through with physical therapy and, basically, canine nursing care. The bonds between animal and human grow even stronger. (Though I think Ralph still secretly blames me for the whole experience. It's that look he gives me when he rises out of bed and that hind leg is stiff in the mornings.)

I'd like to keep a photo list of dogs and their families that have been through this. Please send me a photo of your dog (with or without you and your family, pre or post FCE...up to you) and some details on where and when the FCE struck. If you'd like to write about your feelings, the challenges of taking care of your pet, and his or her current state, that would be great. I'd like to post them in the blog and provide a list of links to those posts on the side. I'll start it right now with Ralph.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful idea! I need a few days to do a record of my dog's story and i'll come back to you.